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QUALIA - what is it? 

08 February 2025
Introduction: On Reflection, Intrapersonal Interaction, and Qualia ...  In the discussion of Kolb's cycle, I noted
06 February 2025
Qualia as a component of knowledge Qualia as essential components of cognitive schemas are internalized in
03 February 2025
Qualia in constructing knowledge  © Mariusz Kakolewicz, PhD Illustrated presentation „The most important thing to know

Categorization of QUALIA

Dlaczego warto rozumieć czym są QUALIA?

Budowanie lepszych relacji z otoczeniem 

Budowanie samoświadomości

Sformułowanie Twoich celów i planów

Plan realizacji celów

Radzenie sobie z problemami 

Przezwyciężanie lęku, niechęci, słabości

Zmiana nawyków i przyzwyczajeń

Więcej czasu dla Ciebie

Podniesienie własnej samooceny

Wiara w siebie

Analiza Twoich umiejętności i charakteru

Znalezienie wymarzonej pracy

Masz pytania - Ty pytaj, ja odpowiem

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

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Mariusz Kakolewicz

📞 +48 505 377 726


Mentoring, support, courses, webinars, development





LEGAL NOTICE: In accordance with art. 25 sec. 1 point 1 b) of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (of 4 February 1994, as amended) I reserve that all materials posted on www.qualia.edu.pl are subject to copyright and their further distribution without my consent is prohibited