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About the author:

A passion for learning and knowledge drives me ...

Mariusz Kakolewicz

I have over 40 years of experience in educational work.


I have taught many subjects at all levels of education: children and high school youth, students, doctoral students, teachers and parents. For 38 years, I was a lecturer at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.


I am the author of over 100 scientific articles and chapters in collective works, as well as two monographic books on learning and the role of qualia in education:


Uczenie się jako konstruowanie wiedzy. Świadomość, qualia i technologie informacyjne, Pub.: WN UAM Poznań (2011)    [Learning as knowledge construction. Consciousness, qualia and information technologies],




Media, technologie informacyjne i sztuczna inteligencja we wspomaganiu procesów uczenia się. Ujęcie kognitywistyczne, Pub.: eMPi2, Poznań (2019)

[Media, information technologies and artificial intelligence in supporting learning processes. Cognitive approach]

The book in english translation will be available soon


In these books, I presented, among other topics, my theory of qualia in learning processes.



This website aims to bring knowledge about qualia and their role in learning closer.


For several years, I have been passionate about supporting parents and children in home education by creating and popularizing inspiring materials, tasks, experiments, courses, and active learning methods about science and the world around us.


I believe in the importance of arousing cognitive curiosity and constructing knowledge through reflection on one's actions so that everyone can realize as often as possible and say in their thoughts or even (like Archimedes) shout: EUREKA - now I understand!!!


I have a doctorate in pedagogy, but I also have a master's degree in telecommunications engineering. I am a professional guide in Poznań and Wielkopolska, a photographer, traveler, audiophile, and a fan of jazz music and English and French cathedrals.


But perhaps most of all, I am a father of four children and a grandfather of eight grandchildren, three of whom are homeschooled.


Now, I have dedicated myself to supporting home and out-of-school education through online education: children, young people, parents, and teachers.


I invite you to join me in sharing knowledge and the joy of learning.

I am the author of all materials posted on the following websites:




[edukacja domowa = homeschooling]


[terazrozumiem = now I understand]

Poczuj nową energię, nowe pomysły to kwestia czasu !

Pokonaj przeszkody, pokonaj siebie!

Zapisz się na szkolenie

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.


When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.


Imię i nazwisko
Treść wiadomości:
Formularz został wysłany — dziękujemy.
Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!

Mariusz Kakolewicz

📞 +48 505 377 726


Mentoring, support, courses, webinars, development





LEGAL NOTICE: In accordance with art. 25 sec. 1 point 1 b) of the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (of 4 February 1994, as amended) I reserve that all materials posted on www.qualia.edu.pl are subject to copyright and their further distribution without my consent is prohibited