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M. Kakolewicz (C) Media, information technology and arificial intelligence in learning precesses. Cognitive approach. (2019)

Books by Mariusz Kakolewicz

You can buy my books as e-books on terazrozumiem.pl (in English and in Polish) and in paperback - in Polish, pub. 2019.

If you want to share your comments about books or have questions - please write using the form below. If you prefer to talk - call me.

If you want to recommend a book on a related topic - also write, and I will add it to the list with information about the recommender (with your consent).

Recommended books:

on consciousness, mind and cognitive science

I recommend books in Polish and English on learning on my website: terazrozumiem.pl      [mean: now I understand)]

and more broadly on the subject of education on my website:

edukacja-domowa.com.pl      [mean: home-schooling]

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Mariusz Kakolewicz

📞 +48 505 377 726


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